What's in your data?
Do you know what fertility levels gets you the most yield and why? What planting population got you the best yield? What was your N utilization per bushel of corn? What planting speed works best for your planter? Not to mention how many pounds, tons and gallons did you use this year? How did your seed varieties stack up? How does your operation stack up against other operations? You get much more than just pretty maps (and you get the maps too)!
Precision Ag Services pulls out all the stops to bring you the kind of information that will put money in your pocket by helping you make good solid decisions based on your own data and circumstances. You will know what really works for you and not what some salesman is promoting. Check out our test plot page to get a sample of what you can get with your own personal yield analysis book tailored to your operation. Call for a quote today.
Top 10 Reasons to Soil Sample with Us
- 35+ years of soil sampling experience
- Ability to Export VRT prescriptions to whomever you wish
- Quick turnaround time for sample data
- Tri State Fertilizer Recommendations or Custom Recommendations
- Hydraulic soil sampler auger for uniform sampling depth
- Testing completed with A&L Labs (an independent lab)
- Ability to correlate soil chemistry with yields
- Superior Software for feathered RXs , not maps with cliffs
- You OWN the data
And the number 1 reason:
- We do not sell fertilizer!
Building Your Soil Sample Program
We have come a long way baby! Bill Copeland, Certified Crop Advisor and owner of Precision Ag Services, Inc., has over 35 years’ experience analyzing soil samples for best practices to maximize data results. Soil sampling practices throughout the years has ranged from whole field soil test, zone sampling, grid sampling, and directed sampling. Below are some points to consider when evaluating your own soil testing system and program.
- A soil sample is merely taking an inventory of plant food in your soil.
- On a 2 ½ acre grid, a 1 lb. sample represents 2 1/2 million lbs. of soil; therefore, the quality of the sampling process and program is of utmost importance.
- Uniform depth of the sample is very important. For consistency in sampling, a powered device is recommended.
- DO NOT sample right after a thaw in in the soil, it needs to properly settle with time and conducive weather conditions; such as light rain.
- DO try to sample at the same time of year.
- Quality Matters! If you do not use a high quality fine Ag lime; you can expect a poor, if any, increase of the pH in the soil.
- In only 15% of results does the Fertility of Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) in the soil affect crop yield.
- Data results often demonstrate that:
- LOW YIELD areas in the field are HIGH FERTILITY
- HIGH YIELD areas in the field are LOW FERTILITY
- Zone sampling for nitrogen works based on organic matter.
- In this region, Zone sampling for Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) pH has not been proven to be an effective and reliable method of soil sampling. When Zone sampling is utilized, it mixes soils with different values producing the average soil test value, instead of producing statistical data points. This is important to understand because
- High Values indicate where input cost can be realized
- Low Values indicate where yield efficiency can be increased
- Most Grid sampling software requires you to sample in the center of the grid. This is rarely the best place to pull the sample and should be avoided for various reasons.
- Directed Sampling, which Precision Ag Services, Inc., uses is a method that captures the landscape: good areas as well as the poor areas. The 3 main systems for this are yield maps, drone photos, and/or in person evaluation at the time of sampling.
- Although Tri State Recommendations have been in use for years, Crop Removal Recommendations are more accurate for long term sustainability.
Good soil testing is good crop management. Help yourself and the environment…… consider Precision Ag Services, Inc. for your soil testing needs as well as other consulting and data management needs.